Sat 19th July
(too old to reply)
Graeme Selway
2003-07-21 10:46:12 UTC
A full summary of what happened would be much appreciated (Grayville?????)
as I
missed it too.
I was reading a book. I can't recommend it at all so I won't go on about

Haven't seen it, I'm afraid. Haven't seen the last three weeks :-(

Cathy White
2003-07-21 23:23:56 UTC
Missed it due to relatives coming to visit.
Did Ant Murray (or "Tony" in his new incarnation) figure at all?
I have Brookie from 4.30pm (ish) onwards on video, if that's any help to
you. But yes, (An)Tony did feature a tiny bit.

2003-07-22 16:19:44 UTC
A full summary of what happened would be much appreciated
It was mainly about Jan Murray & Mike Dixon. Jan walked out on Marty and
family and got into Mike's taxi which was parked outside. Mike had, by an
amazing coincidence, also just left Rachel. The taxi broke down and Jan &
Mike spent the night together in a B&B. They found they had a lot in common
( no sex though), but Jan persuaded Mike to go back to Rachel. Rachel
appeared at B&B and they went back together to pick up Beth from Ron's.

Rachel was nagging him, so Mike drove off alone again and found Jan still at
the B&B. Mike wanted to go off with Jan (he's into older women). In the end
both Jan and Mike went back to their respective homes. The Murray family
welcomed Jan back, but Rachel kicked Mike out again.

Other incidents:
The incinerator development company had apparently withdrawn their offer for
the Farnham's house and made one for Ron's. This made Jacqui Farnham
instantly change her mind from being pro-development (new jobs,
opportunities, progress etc) to being anti development (our house will
fall in value) - a child of thatcherism or what?

Jimmy also had an argument with Nikki about selling the bungalow to the
developers .

Appearng cast: the Dikkos (Ron, Mike, Jacqui , Rachel & Beth), the Murrays
(Marty, Jan, Adelle & (An)Tony) Jimmy & Nikki

That's about it until the 29th
2003-07-24 21:18:40 UTC
"David" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message

snip snip
Post by David
That's about it until the 29th
Thanks very much for that. Appreciated. It sounds actually as if it
might've been quite interesting.

But maybe it's your writer's skill!

Nedville, watching the seconds tick by, wondering when he will hear
his last..
