Post by GarethShould have known better. Ordered it on Sunday and despite payment
being taken pretty sharpish I still haven't received it.
The DVD arrived yesterday and we watched it late last night.
It's not too bad I guess. Bit too much, ahem, gratuitous flesh and sex
scenes (no rude bits shown) and bad language.
It has a 10 best scenes extra, though some of them are naff, eg the lezzy
kiss but it includss Anthony (Tony) Murray drowning that bitch Imelda. Which
is what bullies like that deserve.
Overall, I would say that it is worth the £10.99 limited
offer, but certainly not worth the £20 RRP.
Didn't even have an inlay card, which is very unusual.
I rate it as 5/10 for effort.
It has a trailer for the new Barry Grant DVD that's due some time in the new
year. That looks more promising. And Jimmy Corkhill's on that one.