Apology to all for my Netiquette "Sorry"
(too old to reply)
2006-03-25 13:51:37 UTC
***@hotmail.com wrote:

" I am writing this email to apologise for the Message i sent earlier,
which has upset a few people. As a Newbie to usenets i didnt realise
what i was doing and i assure you i wont do it again. I am sorry to all
concerned. "

You mean that *lezmarathon* isn't your porn website? I'm so disappointed.
Ed Chilada
2006-03-25 14:12:56 UTC
Post by Cuzman
" I am writing this email to apologise for the Message i sent earlier,
which has upset a few people. As a Newbie to usenets i didnt realise
what i was doing and i assure you i wont do it again. I am sorry to all
concerned. "
You mean that *lezmarathon* isn't your porn website? I'm so disappointed.
I can't say I've heard of porn website punters referred to as "The
Stroke Association", either but I suppose it makes sense.
