(too old to reply)
2003-09-07 16:48:08 UTC
Does anyone agree with my thoughts that the Brookie storylines are basically
closing the soap down Character by Character. First we had Jacqui and Max
moving away then the The Murrey Saga where they talked about moving to Leeds
with Adele. Now Nikki's Gran is selling the Bungalow yet Ron has decided to
stay for Josh's Sake. It is very sad because I have been a fan for years
and it is just dwindling off into the sunset.
2003-09-07 21:04:41 UTC
On Sun, 7 Sep 2003 17:48:08 +0100, "Lyntrick"
Post by Lyntrick
Does anyone agree with my thoughts that the Brookie storylines are basically
closing the soap down Character by Character. First we had Jacqui and Max
moving away then the The Murrey Saga where they talked about moving to Leeds
with Adele. Now Nikki's Gran is selling the Bungalow yet Ron has decided to
stay for Josh's Sake. It is very sad because I have been a fan for years
and it is just dwindling off into the sunset.
Oh I agree definetly. Which makes me wonder, is the last episode
gonna be Jimmy left on his own in the close reminissing? That would
be too predictable.
Cathy White
2003-09-07 22:59:30 UTC
Post by Erika
Post by Lyntrick
Does anyone agree with my thoughts that the Brookie storylines are basically
closing the soap down Character by Character. First we had Jacqui and Max
Was the move actually shown? I saw them seeing a house and putting an offer
in, but not actually any packing up/saying goodbye/moving stuff...
Post by Erika
Oh I agree definetly. Which makes me wonder, is the last episode
gonna be Jimmy left on his own in the close reminissing? That would
be too predictable.
I thought the last show was common knowledge?

2003-09-07 23:18:08 UTC
On Sun, 7 Sep 2003 23:59:30 +0100, "Cathy White" <***@ntlworld.com>

Post by Cathy White
I thought the last show was common knowledge?
Nopes and I don't want to know either.

Cathy White
2003-09-08 00:19:14 UTC
Post by Erika
Post by Cathy White
I thought the last show was common knowledge?
Nopes and I don't want to know either.
Which is why I was careful not to let anything slip!

All rumours, anyway...

2003-09-11 15:02:54 UTC
Post by Erika
Post by Cathy White
I thought the last show was common knowledge?
Nopes and I don't want to know either.
In true radical and innovative spirit the last show is an out of character
retrospective of 21 years narrated by Dean Sullivan and Phil Redmond.

