(too old to reply)
2012-03-28 00:46:36 UTC
Recommend following this person if you're on Twitter, they've conducted a
long campaign to get a DVD release of Brookside and
it has now come to fruition. A Best Of Brookside DVD comes out later this
year just in time for its 30th anniversary.
2012-03-31 16:27:31 UTC
Post by Mark
Recommend following this person if you're on Twitter, they've conducted a
long campaign to get a DVD release of Brookside and
it has now come to fruition. A Best Of Brookside DVD comes out later this
year just in time for its 30th anniversary.
Wasn't this talked about years ago? For some reason, iirc, Phil Redmond was
opposed to it (I could be wrong).

There was also talk when Brookside finished that there would be occasional
one off "specials". This also never came to pass.

It had hit a bad patch but to axe a programme with such a rich history,
sophisticated characters and an uncompromising set of hard hitting
storylines was vandalism.

What a bloody waste.
