(too old to reply)
2003-08-01 22:49:14 UTC
My name is Theodore, and unlike the rest of you moaning minnies, I
like Brookside. I feel its demise is like the death of a long and
trusted friend and I feel that I must sit softly by the deathbed until
the last breath is expired.

You all are the cause of the downfall of this excellent programme,
which is naught but a reflection of the sad reality of today. If you
cannot abide or recognise its excellence, I would suggest you stop
watching it altogether.

I, however, along with my disciples, shall remain until the bitter

Brookside will rise again.
2003-08-03 10:29:25 UTC
Post by Theodore
You all are the cause of the downfall of this excellent programme,
which is naught but a reflection of the sad reality of today. If you
cannot abide or recognise its excellence, I would suggest you stop
watching it altogether.
People have obviously followed your suggestion: millions have stopped
watching Brookside in recent years :-)
Robert Hampton
E-mail to this address doesn't get read; reply to group.
Mr Obsessive
2003-08-13 16:48:14 UTC
Post by Theodore
My name is Theodore, and unlike the rest of you moaning minnies, I
like Brookside. I feel its demise is like the death of a long and
trusted friend and I feel that I must sit softly by the deathbed until
the last breath is expired.
You all are the cause of the downfall of this excellent programme,
which is naught but a reflection of the sad reality of today. If you
cannot abide or recognise its excellence, I would suggest you stop
watching it altogether.
I, however, along with my disciples, shall remain until the bitter
Brookside will rise again.
I think *some* of Brookie is still very good. I love the Bev Josh stuff, and
of course Jimmy maintains his standard no matter how crappy the storline.
But what the bloody hell has happened to Emmerdale. Now if you want to see a
soap in trouble I'd say that's the one that neds a big ole` sloppy kiss of
As Emmerdale falls, River City rises - the latest episodes have been
far superior to the "big" soaps. If the BBC can do it for River City,
why oh why does EastEnders have to suffer?

PS That was not Theodore, it was what Neville Gardiner would call a
"fraudster". But the evidence that someone is sad enough to go around
pretending shows that there is life in the old newsgroup yet.
