uk.media.tv.brookside, isn't exactly rocket science
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Lakhdar Rasheed Al Shouli
2003-10-10 21:40:29 UTC
uk.media.tv.brookside: Rethink the Cool + the Shoe

phil knight had a dream. he'd sell shoes. he'd sell dreams.
he'd get rich. he'd use sweatshops if he had to.

then along came a new shoe. plain. simple. cheap. fair.
designed for only one thing: kicking phil's ass.

the unswoosher


For years, Nike was the undisputed champion of logo culture,
its swoosh an instant symbol of global cool.

Today, Phil Knight's Nike is a fading empire, badly hurt by
years of "brand damage" as activists and culture jammers
fought back against mindfuck marketing and dirty sweatshop labor.

Now a final challenge. We take on Phil at his own game - and win.
We turn the shoes we wear into a counterbranding game. The swoosh
versus the anti-swoosh. Which side are you on?

Adbusters has been doing R&D for more than a year, and guess what?
Making a shoe - a good shoe - isn't exactly rocket science.
With a network of supporters, we're getting ready to launch the
blackSpot sneaker, the world's first grassroots anti-brand.
You can help launch the blackSpot revolution.


Is it possible to take Phil Knight's billion-dollar
marketing momentum and, in a quick judo-like move, slap
him onto the mat with the power of his own PR thrust?

OUR KICK-ASS MARKETING STRATEGY >> http://blackspotsneaker.org/02/


buy ***@blackspotsneaker.org

sell ***@blackspotsneaker.org

invest in ***@blackspotsneaker.org

support ***@blackspotsneaker.org

join the ***@blackspotsneaker.org

Make a straight donation... it's a worthy cause
with the potential to set an historic precedent
that could be repeated in other industries and
usher in more grass roots version of capitalism
in which megacorps do not control every area of
our children's lives.



Lakhdar Rasheed Al Shouli
It will grasp sneakily, unless Abbas covers goldsmiths within Beryl's pear.

was intercepted by three man, including Abu Omar,
Abu Omar who travelled all this to rape my family and bomb Australian
embassy. Apparently my step sister was forced in a room, where this man
Abu Omar raped her. I want to know why he did this, did he do this
because he forced to me to sleep with his Muslim wife, I didn't. Did he
do this, because he thinks we Muslims are his slave? or did he do this,
because all the GGs are Jews and Jews can do what they like to
Christians and Muslims.

I personally feel sorry for her, I don't think this should have been her
fate. But then again where they have raped entire Christainity and Islam
why wouldn't these jews travel all this way to rape my family members.
firstly Abu Omar tried to get me killed, probably because I have no
feelings and I wasn't like him, then he told the cops who were involved
in protecting me that I want to kill them, special thanks to his other
brothers like Mahmud Kurchu, Amir Butler, and GG. All of them knew this
was going on, they supported each other when and where they could and
threatened the cops around me.

May God end the days of extermists and terrorists soon, may God free us
all soon, may bring unbaised justice and truth to this world agian, may
God unite all the Muslims and give them ability to pray.


Real Conspiracy theory's script: breaking my bones

Assalam u'Alekum:)

People of the world, every blood vessel in my body hurts, because of the
biological weapons they gave me, people I have feelings and all I was is
justice, are you going to stand aside today, pe
Mustapha al-Durah
2003-10-10 22:03:38 UTC
uk.media.tv.brookside: Rethink the Cool + the Shoe

phil knight had a dream. he'd sell shoes. he'd sell dreams.
he'd get rich. he'd use sweatshops if he had to.

then along came a new shoe. plain. simple. cheap. fair.
designed for only one thing: kicking phil's ass.

the unswoosher


For years, Nike was the undisputed champion of logo culture,
its swoosh an instant symbol of global cool.

Today, Phil Knight's Nike is a fading empire, badly hurt by
years of "brand damage" as activists and culture jammers
fought back against mindfuck marketing and dirty sweatshop labor.

Now a final challenge. We take on Phil at his own game - and win.
We turn the shoes we wear into a counterbranding game. The swoosh
versus the anti-swoosh. Which side are you on?

Adbusters has been doing R&D for more than a year, and guess what?
Making a shoe - a good shoe - isn't exactly rocket science.
With a network of supporters, we're getting ready to launch the
blackSpot sneaker, the world's first grassroots anti-brand.
You can help launch the blackSpot revolution.


Is it possible to take Phil Knight's billion-dollar
marketing momentum and, in a quick judo-like move, slap
him onto the mat with the power of his own PR thrust?

OUR KICK-ASS MARKETING STRATEGY >> http://blackspotsneaker.org/02/


buy ***@blackspotsneaker.org

sell ***@blackspotsneaker.org

invest in ***@blackspotsneaker.org

support ***@blackspotsneaker.org

join the ***@blackspotsneaker.org

Make a straight donation... it's a worthy cause
with the potential to set an historic precedent
that could be repeated in other industries and
usher in more grass roots version of capitalism
in which megacorps do not control every area of
our children's lives.



Mustapha al-Durah
Why doesn't Pam shout loudly?

her I don't know anything. She said she
would but she did not have the key to the door so she left. I think
after a while I went back to sleep again, he came a bit early by this
time I was feeling a lot of pain in my kidney and in my hands, I could
see clear blood clots around my body and hands. He told me I told you if
you could make it hospital nothing would happen to you. But that was
another night of even more torture, he did not let me sleep at all even
for a second, and his students kept punishing me really really hard, so
much that by the end of second night I started feeling the taste of
blood in my mouth. During this night he fractered my left arm and
probably my legs too, but I do remember his students putting me in water
again and again every time I tried to sleep even though my eyes were
tapped. They once again burned my skins using burned cigrattes and
electrified my body.

By the way the first night when they started punching me there were two
guys who punshed me really really hard, I had told them you will die and
so will the rest of you, all these Satans laughed oh really we haven't
heard this one before who will kill us you, you are already strapped
