Tuesday Night's episode
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Gareth Davies
2003-07-31 17:10:01 UTC
If you didnt see it, here is a synopsis of it.
Nikki argued with Margi.
Sean argued with his ex wife.
Margi argued with Jimmy.
Ron argued with Jimmy.
Jacqui argued with Ron.
Nikkie argued with Sean.
Margi left.
Nikki graduated.
It really was a bad episode. I haven't watched Brookside for months - maybe
a year - and this was a real shock: judging by this episode the quality,
even the camera work, has declined so drastically Brookside is now only fit
for the bin.

The episode had a very empty, things are being wrapped up, feel to it: it
showed in the acting style as well - a kind of detached feel to the whole

carol clough
2003-07-31 17:53:24 UTC
If you didnt see it, here is a synopsis of it.
Nikki argued with Margi.
Sean argued with his ex wife.
Margi argued with Jimmy.
Ron argued with Jimmy.
Jacqui argued with Ron.
Nikkie argued with Sean.
Margi left.
Nikki graduated.
LOL, I was sorry I missed it, I'm not bothered now after reading this.
2003-07-31 17:58:42 UTC
I agree that this week's episode was awful. I used to hate missing any of
Brookside, but this week I left the room for extended periods of time without
even waiting for the ad breaks. It was soooo boring....

- AV
